Our Commitment
My life in pageantry began 37 years ago, and for the last 10 years, has been rooted in pageantry as a competitor, director, judge and dress shop owner. You could say glitter runs in my veins. I believe that pageantry has so much to offer: helping to build self-confidence; teaching great one-on-one conversational skills; fostering civic and community involvement; and creating lifetime friendships. I promise you: The Sisterhood is REAL!
So often ladies tell me that they’ve “hung up their pageant shoes,” aka “retired” – many of them younger than 25! Really??? I’m 54, and I’m nowhere near ready for “retirement!” If you love pageantry, there is no reason to retire. There are many pageants available for competitors all ages, with all degrees of competition, and levels of personal commitment. The reason I created USA Pageant Central was to be able to provide some of those opportunities to women, of all ages (from 5-95!), who would like to compete for the sheer joy of competing.
And because I love pageantry for all of the wonderful opportunities it provides, I’ve made it my personal mission to provide the same experiences to all the ladies I work with! I hope you will allow me to take your journey with you.
All my best,